Why can't I Log In / Forgotten Login Details

Please make sure that you are entering your username and password correctly and that the CAPS LOCK key is turned off.   If you have forgotten your username or password please email your name, school and put 'forgotten login details' as the subject to [email protected] and we will send you your details. Please make sure that you use a valid email address.

What is a MySticker?

A MySticker is a reward like no other!
Each reward is printed with a unique 6 digit code that when entered online will appear in your very own sticker album. Each reward unlocks points, which can be used to customise your online character.

Who can use MyStickers?

MyStickers is a free website available to all school children under the age of 18.

My School does not use MyStickers, can I still use the site?

You can still register for MyStickers, but you will not be able to collect your rewards and enjoy the full functionality of the site.
Why not ask your teacher to ask for MyStickers next time they order?

How do I register?

Select register on the home page and enter the details in the registration form provided. Please type the details carefully and check that they are correct before registering.
Please keep your username and password in a safe place you will need these to log back into the site at a later date.
Never reveal your password to anyone.

How do I get Points?

You earn points by collecting rewards and entering the code online.  Each code you collect will earn you a certain amount of points. Points vary depending on the reward you are logging.

How do I log a code?

If you have not yet registered to use MyStickers you will need to create an account to be able to log into the site and begin collecting your rewards.
When you have registered simply enter your code into the Enter Code Here Box and press enter, your reward will then appear in your album.
If you do not type the correct code you will need to re enter the code in order to log your reward and collect your points.

My Sticker code does not work

Please check that you:

  1. Have entered the code correctly A reward code can only contain the following characters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890
  2. Have not already entered the code
  3. If your code still does not work please email [email protected] with your name, school and code so that we can investigate further. Please make sure you use a valid email address so that we can respond.

How can I edit my account details?

When you are logged into the site please visit the 'My Details' section. Here you can amend your details.

Why does my reward not have a code?

Some teachers request to not have codes on their products or are not aware of the MyStickers site, encourage your teachers to find out more by visiting the site.

I am a teacher that would like to purchase MyStickers

You can visit www.schoolstickers.co.uk to order from a selection of products or for more information contact our sales team on 0121 333 3600.

I am a teacher that has had some stickers stolen, what should I do?

Please report the incident to our MyStickers team on 0121 333 3600
We believe that school rewards should be earned through hard work and effort not by stealing. We can track the codes for each order and cancel the points if necessary.